Inserting Links into Your Content

LinkCentral offers multiple ways to insert your custom links into your WordPress content, ensuring flexibility and ease of use across various editing environments and page builders.

Synchronized vs Manual Insertion

There are two ways for inserting links into your content. Both allow you to leverage LinkCentral’s powerful link management and tracking features:

A. Synchronized insertion

With synchronized insertion, you utilize our built-in WordPress integrations.

  • Links are automatically updated if you change link details (such as the slug or CSS classes) in LinkCentral.

B. Manual insertion

With manual insertion you just copy and paste your short links into your content.

  • Redirects are working, but links are not automatically updated when you change link details (such as the slug or CSS classes).

Both Synchronized Insertion and Manual Insertion are perfectly fine. We recommend synchronized insertion when possible, but manual insertion is perfect when you encounter problems with the synchronized method or don’t care about link synchronization.

Synchronized Insertion

1. Gutenberg Block Editor

LinkCentral integrates seamlessly with the Gutenberg editor, providing a custom button in the toolbar for easy link insertion. This method works for both text and button blocks.

Read more about Gutenberg

2. Classic Editor

If you are using the Classic Editor (also called: TinyMCE), LinkCentral adds a custom button to the toolbar. This allows you to quickly insert and edit LinkCentral links within your content.

Read more about Classic Editor

Many content editors make use of the Classic Editor, such as Elementor and Beaver Builder.

3. Elementor Page Builder

Elementor uses the Classic Visual Editor when you are writing content. However, Elementor also uses Dynamic Tags and LinkCentral integrates with this seamlessly. This allows you to insert and update LinkCentral links within your Elementor content.

Read more about Elementor

4. Shortcodes

For maximum flexibility, LinkCentral provides a shortcode that can be used in any text area of your WordPress site. This method is particularly useful for areas where direct editor integration isn’t available.

Read more about Gutenberg

Manual Insertion

You can always manually insert your LinkCentral URLs into your content. While this method doesn’t offer automatic updating, it provides ultimate control over link placement.

Just go to your LinkCentral Admin page and click “Copy” behind the short link.

Read more about Gutenberg

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